Sunday, May 30, 2010

I drank too much last night - feeling a bit guilty today about it.

Turned 35 today. I don't mind growing older but I hate the dam day - the expectations. I'm not talking about gifts, or things but the fact that my parents never called or sent a card hurts me A LOT. Brad's folks send me a card each year. Anyway, I'm trying to not let it bother me, but it does. My sister Hilary had her "fiance" call on her behalf to wish me a happy birthday...because she was "sick." Oh she is going to make this next step for me easy.

I'm going to try and end this evening with good thoughts. Remind myself that it is only a birthday - Mom and Dad love me unconditionally, they just get busy and forgetful.

1 comment:

DRJ said...

she did NOT have her fiance call? oh my gawd. i would almost rather no call than that.
are you folks like that with all the kids' birthdays? sorry about that lack of acknowledgement. you ever ask them why they don't call?