Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Facebook Mourn

I did it - I de-activated it. I went back and forth and got to the last step several times during the last two weeks, and finally I did. There was nothing in particular that "sent me over the edge." Last Friday's bullying and my teenage behavior definitely contributed but that wasn't the end all be all. I kept looking at my "friends" list...the only people I wanted to keep were my family, and Dayna, and her friends....I really like that group. I did seem like a bit of a voyeur but not in a bad or unwelcome way - not at all. Made me wish I had friends like that. The other side of my friends - I didn't want to just drop - although I should of. I am finding besides one person, I don't want daily contact with my friends particularly from Strathmore....I feel out of touch and don't have the same interests. I feel self conscious. These are feelings that I try not to have. I pride myself on being confident, uninhibited (in the most responsible sense of the term).

I have made a decision that I will likely keep - because bloggin this feels way better than checking for dam posts.


DRJ said...

i talked to sara today. she told me that seems like you know what is going on with someone...that it seems like you're peeking into their lives, but really you haven't the slightest clue what's going on. emily told me that a while ago too. it's an odd little world. if i weren't so addicted to the games, i would be off of it...just like i periodically delete my blog...just because i feel displaced and i want to be the one displacing of myself. i don't want to "feel" that way because i'm watching others. i dunno.
hope you continue to blog...even if not consistently.

homoerectus said...

I am keeping this up - if only to keep my thoughts on some type of media. i will miss you though...but there is still e-mail and I'm surely addicted to these weekly blogs...tomorrow will be a little later...but i am loving it - we'll see how long I can keep it up!