Monday, June 7, 2010

Socialization is Over-rated

I have a full week this week until Sunday.  I don't feel good about it - but know it is a nessassary evil.  I can't wait until my time is my time.

Met her yesturday - seems okay - trying not to judge....but still do.  She better not break his heart - or I'll break her face.  I'm worried about the kid(s)? involved...she's not sure where the hell she fits into things...

Random thoughts tonight - should of gone to the gym.  It keeps the neurons from firing.

I need to take advantage and buy some movies and shit but am having a hard time deciding - not careful it will be x-mas before I use it all...

I need to quit having these dam sex dreams - they are pissing me off...try not to read into them cause if I - dam - I'm messed up!

Brad is the king of watching bad sci-fi and horror movies - couldn't sit through wall-e but can sit through movies like "big shark" and shit like that..... "bad kitty" FOREVER...ran into that stationary yesturday and laughed my ASS OFF.

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