Sunday, June 20, 2010

Business Meeting?

I thought about bloggin' about my Dad, but he isn't on the forefront on my mind....last night is....

I had one of the nights that remind me of why I got married, and why I married who I did.  The day was nice - a trip to the gym - then a breakfast burrito that we split in half (trying to watch the calories a little), - a quick trip to Sacramento to our favorite burger joint (didn't split that burger) - several trips later to different pet stores - then home - a trip to the ice cream store (for a late b-day gift of ice cream) - and then a night in the hot tub with a few beers...and then use your imagination for the rest...but he claims I raped him - i swear it was consensual.

I was happy the whole frickin' time...we talked about money and finance's - goals - and just simple things...laughed....kissed....laughed some mind never wavered even when there was  brief mention of felt natural.  I want to say like when we first met but that wouldn't do it justice.  Although we have passion, it is much different now - it is sort of better - back in the day - all i wanted was the physical him with a little emotional him - now i want emotional him with a little physical...last night i felt like we knew each other forever....i'm not reading into last night or do my usual "what if" - I'm going to relish it - cherish it - and keep it untainted in my memories....

I paid for the 3 hours in the hot tub - we spent a while the night before as well....anyway - have a rash this is so worth the discomfort but i'll be staying out of the hot tub for awhile.

skippin the gym today...brad is taking care of pauline's dogs (she is in italy) i have a few hours this morning to reflect - then i'm going to do some housework....

does the weekend need to end?

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