Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Field Work

I need to slow down at work - go with the flow. Being out in the field where half the time people sit and talk about nothing but will complain about how much work they have just annoys me. A job that should take about 4 hrs, takes 8 hrs... - I guess people heard a verbal sigh of annoyance from me when I wanted to get going to my next gage. My field guy told me I better chill out or I won't last and people won't like me. I told him I didn't give a shit if people like me or not - then he said - well it must be nice being the pissy one as you are the highest paid person out here. Okay - I'll give him that - and I'm cool with some relaxing and chatting - but give me a frickin' break.

Enough complaining -I just need to adapt without feeling like a slacker.

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