Saturday, August 14, 2010

Been meaning to blog again - but just can't do it.... sitting in front of a computer for any other reason than to make a blog for a friend exhausts me....all day on one makes me not want to even come close to one at home.  I like my touch - it feels different, but to write is trying.

Having weird dreams of shakespeare, conveyance channel design, and family issues... all mingled into one.  weird really.  obviously i'm sorting shit out.

I think i'm  more complex than I really am - it sort of saddens me....

smells like tuna - it shouldn't...

Brad's Mom got weird about Brad not going to Ashland - had to go on about the book of Shakespeare she got him during high school and how much he was into it.... i NEVER thought Brad wouldn't appreciate and enjoy Shakespeare - just not a whole weekend of it.... it is funny that they think i don't think he is "worldly".  they have always done that - i happen to think he is one of the smartest people I know with more knowledge about all kinds of stuff than I would ever know....  i like that he let's me have my time....and that we can still enjoy some stuff together....anyway, brad started laughing and said - i can do one Shakespeare play, and in high school i read some - but mom is the one that took it to new heights....anyway - if i have children - i don't want to do that.... i want my kids to be into whatever they want.......just as long as they enjoy doesn't matter what people say or think as "worldly" - whatever the fuck that means.... i'm far from worldly - but i have all my teeth - barely!

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