Thursday, August 19, 2010

Asked by the supervisor today if I was going to take the senior exam when it is offered. I said NO. He said yes - and I said but it would be stupid if I didn't. If my boss moved up and I took his place - he could still be my boss. Anyway - I told him frankly after this week I've had I don't feel I have the technical skill or the disposition to supervise. He laughed and walked out. I proceeded to have a full fledge panic attack.

I have no desire to promote. May not have a "choice". Although of course I have a choice. Maybe I don't know what I want. I may not even have much of a chance of getting the job. I just want to learn more without being a sup.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Have had a headache three days strait. Can't sleep. Waiting for my itouch to run out of batteries. Should read instead of watching things on my touch. Maybe sleep would come. Want to call in sick tomorrow but don't have the nerve.

Thinking to much.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Been meaning to blog again - but just can't do it.... sitting in front of a computer for any other reason than to make a blog for a friend exhausts me....all day on one makes me not want to even come close to one at home.  I like my touch - it feels different, but to write is trying.

Having weird dreams of shakespeare, conveyance channel design, and family issues... all mingled into one.  weird really.  obviously i'm sorting shit out.

I think i'm  more complex than I really am - it sort of saddens me....

smells like tuna - it shouldn't...

Brad's Mom got weird about Brad not going to Ashland - had to go on about the book of Shakespeare she got him during high school and how much he was into it.... i NEVER thought Brad wouldn't appreciate and enjoy Shakespeare - just not a whole weekend of it.... it is funny that they think i don't think he is "worldly".  they have always done that - i happen to think he is one of the smartest people I know with more knowledge about all kinds of stuff than I would ever know....  i like that he let's me have my time....and that we can still enjoy some stuff together....anyway, brad started laughing and said - i can do one Shakespeare play, and in high school i read some - but mom is the one that took it to new heights....anyway - if i have children - i don't want to do that.... i want my kids to be into whatever they want.......just as long as they enjoy doesn't matter what people say or think as "worldly" - whatever the fuck that means.... i'm far from worldly - but i have all my teeth - barely!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Life is unexSpecting and sometimes I hate it.

Went to a local musical with my sister. It was a fundraiser. Props to good company players. It was awsome and very entertaining. Real should support local theatre here. I saw a few old classmates on the theatre lobby wall.