Sunday, July 25, 2010


What started out as a crap start of a weekend turned out to be okay.... I am my own worst enemy - but who isn't.  Wasn't going to drink tonight - but decided hey why not - just opened one now so I can't drink that much before bed - famous last words. 

Need to re-watch  a few movies.... been doing a lot of series - Bones - which I think may be my favorite all time is everything I need in a series - sexual tension - laughter - science... went back to 24 series - not the same but still somewhat addicting.  i'm finding i like watching series way later in bulk....i'm going to try nip and tuck next.

Still doing the gym but not seeing much result - my mood isn't much better - and my body certainly isn't - except for endurance.  I can go on the machines much longer and easier - so i guess that is good.  I also tend to like my body a bit more even though if there is change - it is subtle...  my sister wants to give me diet and exercise advice cause i'm slow on the losing - i don't mind most of the time - but sometimes i want to hit her.... i don't want to be much smaller than I am....i don't want to change my lifestyle that much - i just want to get my heart rate up and slim a i guess i shouldn't bitch - it is what i'm doing now....anyway - it is funny....weight loss... i almost feel bad for having a somewhat good body imagine - now how fucked up is that!!! LOL

I'm hoping to get back to bloggin'.  weird month - weird summer but it beats trips to radiation with my sister anyday!

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