Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm so tired today. Not sure if it because I'm coming down from the weekend or just tired. One more event then I'm done for awhile.

Monday, September 27, 2010

WOW - what a week, what a last few weeks.  Still processing.  Going to get together again on Thursday.  Miss my siblings or at least most of them.  Nice to be surrounded by family.  Last night we all sat around at the reception with her (none of their friends really came) and our families and played spoons - the card game... it reminded me so much of when i was a kid - game night - it was awesome...definitely something to put in my memory...

Everything went well.... I'm trying to stay positive.  However, I don't understand some people and how much they could care less or are inconsiderate.  Didn't anybody teach these people manners...really... at least i can say that about our family - we may not treat each other or other family members that great at times, but we for the most part are considerate to others, and never take advantage of others.....lots of people weren't raised right.......

Zane has my temper - kind of nuts...

Brad couldn't have been any better....but i knew that.... he rolls with the punches....seeing how much I get involved when it comes to certain people in my family.  i'm lucky and this weekend even proved it more.... However, now that the house is finally empty - it is nice to focus my life again....not sure how to explain it.

Life just keeps moving and i keep trying to keep up and stay positive.....not look back and try not to look forward.

we had a family meeting - i did ask that all my siblings help (with the exception of hilary) when the time comes for my folks.... Heidi said well why did they give you the responsibility of their will and wishes if you are such a spaz.  After the sting wore off, i remindered her that in an immediate situation, i have the job and lifestyle that renders me to have the ability to drop everything and will be there for family and mom and dad, but i am not super woman....and family is suppose to support....actually, murry smiled and defended me a bit - he was the only other one that dropped EVERYTHING for my Mom and for me....I asked for help - and he came through - and i will always be grateful....anyway - family is weird but i'm lucky to have the one i have - even with all the drama....but now i'm rambling - and i haven't even been drinking!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I didn't realize how many times the radio station repeats the same songs....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Mom gave me these African Violets and a bunch of them bloomed.  They are all over my bedroom.  My Mom has given me some awesome plants that I cherish.  Wish I had more - it seems like the ones my Mom give me I take better care of - I haven't had one die yet.....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Playing with rejoining facebook. Sigh. I will be picky this time. Very content right now.

Was hard knowing she was close but understood. Miss her like crazy.

I think we may do it. Feels right.

I've sort of been nesting. Weird really. Been very patient lately. Cleaned a bunch of stuff and took my time. Weird really.

Need to draw.